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Ethiopian security forces said three people were killed and several others injured on Sunday in the capital, Addis Ababa, during clashes between police and Muslims after a vigil. Slotocash Free Play Today, Opening session this morning (June 2), two domestic gold bars increased from 50,000-100,000 VND, the central exchange rate decreased by 7 VND.

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The figures come as Dutch policymaker Klaas Knot comments cautiously optimistic about the pace of price growth, saying Europe's worst inflation problem is now a thing of the past. . real money slots app, However, at about 13:30, the People's Committee of the ward checked and discovered that Mr. Hoang Anh Tuan (born in 1981, permanently residing at number 03, lane 24, zone 3, Ha Khau ward, Ha Long city) had died in the area. the hill opposite the fire. Local authorities have organized visits to the victim's family. The cause and damage of the fires are being investigated by local authorities.

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